The kidney is one of the 3 vital organs in the body, the other 2 being the heart and the brain. It is the most important organ maintaining a steady balance of the physical body by regulating the excretion of metabolic and waste products. The Ayurvedic classification of the diseases of the kidney is strikingly similar to the modern method. This Text details the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system, various diseases like neurological dysfunction of the urinary tract, oedema, urinary calculi, urinary tract infection, renal failure etc. along with their treatment and recommended diet. This Text will be useful to medical students, practitioners, teachers & research workers in understanding various urological diseases from Ayurvedic perspective and their management in a better manner.
Ayurvedic treatment on disorders of the Urinary Tract
US$ 9.80
This Text acquaints the reader with Ayurvedic knowledge on the important subject of urology, various urological diseases, their treatment and management.
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