Using empty boxes is one of the most easy and important remedies to perform spiritual healing. This Text provides practical methods of performing box remedies such as placing an empty box 30 cms. away from the body, holding an empty box, using a headgear of empty boxes etc. It also explains how box remedies can be easily performed even during daily chores or while studying, etc.
Now-a-days, many people do not sleep well at night. This Text explains how to perform box remedies for sound sleep. As the effectiveness of spiritual healing through empty boxes increases if accompanied by chanting, this Text also mentions about chanting the Name of a Deity and the associated mudrā and nyās’. Along with this, it also provides information on how purification of a premise can be done in a much simpler way using empty boxes.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this book is meant as an adjunct and/or complement to existing medical and psychological care, and is not intended to replace modern medical diagnosis and treatment. Please consult a physician for proper diagnosis and guidance specific to your case.
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