It is important to inculcate virtues as it makes our life ideal. This book describes how one should develop a virtuous conduct, how our conduct should be and how to develop a positive perspective. After reading the stories of devotees and individuals who have sacrificed their lives for the country, you will be inspired and learn that God is omnipresent. After completely reading this text, we recommend to re-read the stories during your holidays, during festivals and vacations, then contemplate over the stories. We also invite you to attend our online satsangs (Company of Truth) for the benefit of our children and youth so that they can understand how to lead a virtuous life.
Stories with Morals
US$ 6.00
Nowadays, children read monthly magazines or stories such as ‘Cinderella’, ‘The Little Red Riding Hood’ and watch cartoons on TV that create inappropriate impressions in their minds. The stories in this book will not only entertain, but will also teach us how to lead a virtuous life. Additionally, the stories will provide many learnings such as maintaining an ideal behaviour, the importance of spiritual practice, developing love for others, having devotion towards God, etc.
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